The Rillera Guest Home

Our rooms

Our rooms
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Our Location
These are some of our rooms.  We provide a spacious living quater for our clients.  Each client may decorate their private room anyway they please.



The living room is a great area for our clients to relax, watch T.V. or even listen to some of their own music.  The living room is also a good place to doze off after a long day.


This here is the dinning room where our clients eat three nutritious meals a day.  Snacks are available for all the clients, and we encourage them to share with us their favorite foods, which our staff will happily make for them, as long as they adhere to their specific diet. 


The backyard  is another place where our clients can relax and enjoy the sun.  As you can see the yard is very well landscaped and is kept in good condition by our very own administrator Suzie Rillera.


The backyard patio


The Rillera Guest Home, 40 Fletcher Ct. Watsonville, CA
Lic. 440708122